Logo Guidelines
All references to the Whirlpool trade name, used to represent the company, must use the official Whirlpool Corporation logo with “Corporation” under it.
This logo has no trademark or registered symbols.
The font used in the corporate logo is proprietary and substitute fonts are not permitted.
The trade name must be used as a noun, and always lead as “Whirlpool Corporation” in any narrative. “Whirlpool” may never be used in the possessive or plural form.
The logo or any of its elements must not be altered, distorted, redesigned or rearranged in any manner.
Ring of promise
- Should never be presented without the Whirlpool Corporation trademark.
- Cannot stand alone or encircle any other object or words. For example, the ring may not be wrapped around a product.
Clear zone
- No other symbols, text or graphic elements are to be placed within the clear zone boundaries.
- Clear zone for the Whirlpool Corporation logo is based on the height of the letter “o” in the logo.
- The Logo should always be displayed with a minimum width 1.5” for print and 90 pixels high for web.
Minimum Logo Size
- 1.5″ wide for print
- 90 pixels high for web

This is the primary logo for corporate applications. It may be shown on white (preferred), light gray or a solid light color background. It may also be used over photos where a clean and plain background exists along with the suitable clearance around the logo.
Company Logo vs Brand Logo
Trade Name vs. Trademark

The Whirlpool trade name – Whirlpool – is used to represent the business. The trade name is the company name, and is used as a noun. The company should always be referred to as “Whirlpool Corporation” or, once the full name is used in an article, story or reference, may be followed by “Whirlpool Corp.”
The trade name Whirlpool may never be used in the possessive or plural form, such as Whirlpool’s, however, possessive forms may be used as Whirlpool Corporation’s or Whirlpool Corp.’s.
The Whirlpool trade name is not a registered trademark. It must always appear without the registered mark symbol.
I work at Whirlpool Corporation.
Whirlpool Corporate Headquarters

The Whirlpool trademark – Whirlpool® – is used to indicate the source or origin of a service or product representing the brand. The trademark is always used as an adjective and must be followed by a descriptor/ noun.
In the U.S. and Canada, the trademark symbol ® indicates that the Whirlpool trademark has been registered with the U.S. and Canadian trademark offices. Other regions do not use the ® and ™ symbols with the brand name.
U.S. / Canada: This is a Whirlpool® appliance.
Regions outside of U.S. / Canada: I use a Whirlpool washer to clean my clothes.
The brand logo is to be used only when communicating about Whirlpool brand products and services. This logo, also known as “the badge,” should never be used for corporate communications.
Logo Do’s and Don’ts

DO NOT recolor logo elements.

DO NOT apply outlines, drop shadows or any other special effects to the logo.

DO NOT change the position or orientation of any of the elements.

DO NOT add add any other text, symbol or graphic elements to the logo.

DO NOT change the proportion, stretch or skew the logo. Hold your shift key when enlarging/reducing.

DO NOT place the logo on a background that compromises or reduces its legibility.
Logo Lock-ups
System Logo Lock-ups
The Whirlpool Corporation logo may be combined with an approved* external facing text that represents the system name. System name (ie. WHR360) and in instances where a sub-system name is needed, you must use the approved Nunito Sans Light font.
Functions and teams within Whirlpool Corporation must not have their own logo identities but should follow the system and subsystem logo guidelines as shown. Contact the Corporate Communications team with any questions.
In maintaining the spirit of One Whirlpool, internal functions and teams within Whirlpool Corporation may not have logo identities, and should follow the system and subsystem logo guidelines as shown. NO internal function or team logos should be created or used.
The only exceptions for internal branding or logos include:
- Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)
- Function campaigns/events that have a shelf life
- Apps and learning training platforms
- World Class Manufacturing (WCM)
System Logo
The separating line in the most instances will be a thickness of 1pt and the height slightly longer than the logo. However, in cases where the logo is scaled larger the thickness of the line should increase accordingly.

The space between the logo and the separating line should be based on the height of the letter “0” in the logo
System name must use the approved Nunito Sans Light font. Font should be the size of the letter “W” in the Whirlpool logo and aligned on a baseline with the word “Whirlpool”.
System and sub-system logo

Sub-system name should be 1/2 the size of the main system font. Sub-system name must use the approved Nunito Sans Light font.
Text should be centered aligned with the Ring of Promise in the Whirlpool Corporation logo.
Brand Logo Lock-ups
Logos should be visually balanced in size and in most instances, aligned on a baseline with the word “Whirlpool”. If this can not be achieved, the logos should be centered vertically.
No other logo should visually appear larger than Whirlpool Corporation logo.
The separating line in most instances will be a thickness of 1pt and the height slightly longer than the logo. However, in cases where the logo is scaled larger the thickness of the line should increase accordingly.

The space between the logo and the separating line should be based on the height of the letter “o” in the logo
Logos should be visually balanced in size and in most instances, aligned on a baseline with the word “Whirlpool”. However, if this can be achieved, the logos should be centered vertically. No other logo should visually appear larger than whirlpool Corporation logo
Global Brand Lock-up
Only our $100M+ brands are represented in external logo lock-ups for collateral and external presentations.